I have authored and contributed to several policy documents in a number of fields, ranging from corporate IT, to urban regeneration, community sector standards, Cornish devolution, Cornish language support, and higher education.
Cornish Devolution
Head of Research for the Cornish Constitutional Convention. Conducted a series of policy development workshops and developed associated policy documentation. Edited and co-authored Devolution for One and All, The Case for Cornwall, and Devolution for Prosperity, all of which had a national readership.
Cornish Language
Lobbied for and Promoted Cornish language funding support, including with government ministers, MPs, and the language community. Authored several documents, played a leading role in developing the Cornish Language strategy, and was chair of Agan Tavas – The Society for the Promotion of the Cornish Language for seven years.
Urban Regeneration
Camborne Pool Redruth Regeneration – Authored several policy documents – Carried out research into brownfield site regeneration policy to enable the business to gain a better understanding of inhibitors to demand for remediated land. Research formed the basis of a partnership policy with developers.
Penzance Town Council – Proposals for the inclusion of Penzance in Cornwall’s Key Towns Strategy.
Community Sector
Cornwall Inter-Link – Developed and Implemented the ILCM Quality Standard
- Managed, developed and delivered an accreditation programme for voluntary and community sector organisations, accrediting 250 community groups in Cornwall. Bid for and delivered a number of programmes, developing Cornwall’s network of community groups from 1,800 organisations to just over 4,000
- Liaised with the Patent Office to set up the Certification Mark and related regulations to be granted to accredited groups. As a registered IRCA Lead Auditor (ISO 9001), managed the preparation of a quality management system, including policies, procedures, forms and templates, organised quality assurance systems and conducted internal audits, leading to the granting of ISO:9001 certification
Partnership Toolkit – Co-authored and published Partnership Toolkit for Community Organisations, subsequently adopted as part of the standard training suite for voluntary / community groups in Cornwall in the training of senior staff or trustees
Community Sector Coalition – Established Community Interest Company and set up governance structure
Supported numerous Cornish community organisations in developing their strategy and governance structures.